Sometimes you need someone to come alongside and believe fiercely in you.

Mentoring is a high value, highly effective, intensive container. Each session is focused on you and what you'd like to work on together. Sessions are 60-120 mins in length - dependent on what you need each session - where you'll engage in a safe space to talk through what is present or emerging for you and gain valuable insights, perspective shifts as well as access to a range of experience I bring in.

Have you been thinking lately...

  • I feel stuck. I don't know what to do next or why I feel down, but jeez, there's gotta be more than this.
  • I'm ready for my next step at work, but I'm not sure what it should be and I don't feel ready to apply for that promotion.
  • Why am I always getting in my own way? I know I am meant for more!
  • Leading/managing teams is friggin hard. I wish I could talk through what I'm struggling with, with someone I trust.
  • I'm ready for more. More joy, more happiness, and less stress and overwhelm - seriously, when is my life going to calm the f* down?

"I had the pleasure of working with Amy and it was a truly transformative experience. Their coaching style was exactly what I needed..."

Why Mentoring?

Because life is too hard and too complicated to struggle through it on your own. Because mentoring gives you access to the knowledge, embodied wisdom and experience of another. Because sometimes you just need someone who's always on your side, who believes in you, who pushes you in healthy and productive ways, who can hold a mirror up when needed or hold you accountable when necessary.

Mentoring is a powerful resource you can leverage. There's a reason why high performance athletes, leaders, visionaries and entrepreneurs engage mentors regularly - because with the right mentor, your world can open up to greater heights than you may ever have thought possible.

"One of the things I appreciated the most was the adaptability that came to define our coaching sessions. At different times Amy was the coach, the cheerleader, the medic, and the water boy all wrapped up into one, and I knew when I fell that the one who I needed most would be beside me."

Available Packages:

Currently, 3 packages are available. All sessions are done virtually (via Zoom).

3 SESSION: If you're new to mentoring or just want to get your feet wet, the 3 Session package is a great start! We'll have 3 dedicated sessions to dig into whatever is needed and present for you.  >> $1111*

6 MONTH*: Familiar with mentoring and ready to get into it? The 6 month package ensures one mentoring session per month for 6 months as well as interim support as needed. You'll receive the benefit of an intentional container of time as well as support and encouragement as you lean in. >> $3333*

9 MONTH*: You're ready to go big, you're ready to bet fully on yourself, you're birthing a new you. You'll have one dedicated mentoring session per month for 9 months, interim support as needed, the benefit of the intentional 9 month container of time with support and encouragement throughout. Plus, you'll receive early access to new courses, and extra tools as needed (eg. dedicated meditations, etc). This one's the big kahuna. >> $5555*

*All pricing is in USD.

Results Are In Your Hands.

The best, most powerful mentor in the world cannot guarantee results or push you to grow in any way when you're not open to it. You will get from mentoring what you bring in. If you are open and ready, willing to lean in and believe in your growth and potential, I'll meet you step for step. 

Submit Your Application For Mentoring

Please fill out the form below. You'll be directed to select the package that's best for you on the next page.

Shift Your Perspective

I had the pleasure of working with Amy and it was a truly transformative experience. Their coaching style was exactly what I needed - they provided me with clarity, helped me change my perspective on challenges, and asked the right questions at the right time.

Their proactive approach was refreshing and helped me to be successful in my work. Amy has a gift for seeing around corners and helping you see the same and pivot accordingly. I highly recommend Amy to anyone who is looking for a solid coach who can help them achieve their goals.


Coach, Cheerleader, Medic, Water Boy

I’ve had the pleasure of being coached by Amy van Meijl for more than a year and can speak to the empathy and depth of knowledge which defines their craft. From day one, they were quick to understand my needs and have provided valuable insights and guidance which have helped me to develop my leadership skills.

One of the things I appreciated the most was the adaptability that came to define our coaching sessions. At different times Amy was the coach, the cheerleader, the medic, and the water boy all wrapped up into one, and I knew when I fell that the one who I needed most would be beside me. The combination of unending patience and holding me accountable for my growth is a tightrope that few can walk, but Amy found that balance with grace and ease.

Being coached by Amy has been an experience that will define my professional life for years to come!

  • John

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your mentoring, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund. Refunds will not be given for sessions already completed.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Once we confirm a good fit, and upon purchasing mentoring, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase mentoring more than once?

Absolutely! If you are ready to dive in more deeply, I highly recommend a 6 or 9 month package for added support and a more dedicated container of time.

Submit Your Application For Mentoring

Please fill out the form below. You'll be directed to select the package that's best for you on the next page.