We're a work in progress baby.

And sometimes we need some help, guidance or even a little kick in the tush to enable us to create that next level of joy, happiness, wealth or success we're striving for.

You can create that dream reality you've been envisioning.

"I had the pleasure of working with Amy and it was a truly transformative experience. Their coaching style was exactly what I needed - they provided me with clarity, helped me change my perspective on challenges, and asked the right questions at the right time. Their proactive approach was refreshing and helped me to be successful in my work. Amy has a gift for seeing around corners and helping you see the same and pivot accordingly. I highly recommend Amy to anyone who is looking for a solid coach who can help them achieve their goals."

- Katie

Manifesting A Million Moments Of Joy

Are you ready to create more joy in your life? To live a life that feels more happy than it does hard, challenging or generally disappointing? To create a deep wealth of internal contentment that you can tap into when things do get tough, making a more resilient and joyful you?


1:1 Coaching Intensive

Coaching is a high value, highly effective, intensive container. Each session is focused on you and what you'd like to work on together. Sessions are 60-120 mins in length - dependent on what you need each session - where you'll engage in a safe space to talk through what is present or emerging for you and gain valuable insights, perspective shifts as well as access to a range of experience I bring in.

Manifesting Money Empowerment

Coming Soon!

More information coming soon...

Woman wearing a black tshirt that says mountain woman standing outside with mountains in the background

Hi, I’m Amy

I'm a potent coach to high performing leaders, I'm deeply curious about money, psychology, healing and generally creating a better, more joyful and rich reality for myself and everyone I connect with.

I've been coaching leaders for several years and have been a student of manifestation, money and psychology for well over 20 years.

Now I'm taking all my skills, experience, embodied wisdom and continual learning and sharing them in a new way!

If you're looking to work with a powerful coach, you're ready to create a better reality in your life by manifesting more joy, or you're excited to learn about money and create a happier, more empowered relationship with money (and increase it's presence in your life), then check out the options available through 1:1 coaching or the masterclasses I offer.

Excited to meet you babe!

Amy xx